Sexual Abuse

When someone does something sexual that hurts you and/or makes you feel uncomfortable.

Sexual abuse can be perpetrated by someone of the same or different sex or gender.

Some examples of sexual abuse are when someone:

  • shows you, or touches their genitals;
  • makes you look at, or sends you, porn;
  • shows other people naked or sexual images of you, or threatens to;
  • touches you, or makes you touch them, in a sexual way, like touching your breasts or kissing you;
  • has sex with you without checking you want to;
  • has sex with you when you are under 16 years old.

Sexual abuse can happen in lots of different situations, including in relationships and at work.

  • You can talk to a counsellor at Full Stop Australia by calling 1800 FULL STOP (1800 385 578) 24 hours a day for free or you can contact your local Sexual Assault Service.
  • If you are worried about STIs or being pregnant you can speak to your GP.
  • You can ask a doctor to do a Sexual Assault Investigation Kit, also known as a Rape Kit. A doctor will write down what happened, describe and take photos of any injuries and collect bodily fluids. You will be asked if you want your information to be sent to the Police so they can investigate.
  • It is up to the Police to decide what steps they take after you report sexual abuse.
  • The Police may ask you to give them a detailed statement.
  • The Police may apply for an apprehended violence order (AVO) to protect you and charge the person that was sexually violent.
  • If you want to report to police, but don’t want the Police to do anything, you can complete the online Sexual Assault Reporting Options Questionnaire. You can give your name or report anonymously.

You may be able to get financial support from Victims Services. 

See Victims compensation, contact us or visit the Victims Services NSW website for more information.

You might be able to sue the person who sexually abused you or the institution that was supposed to be looking after you when you were sexually abused. You should get advice from knowmore or from a personal injury lawyer about this.

You can still report the sexual abuse to the Police.

If you were over 18 years old when you were abused, you may still be entitled to some compensation. Contact us to get advice.

If you were a child when you were sexually abused, there are no time limits to apply for compensation in NSW. 

See Victims Compensation or visit Victims Services NSW for more information.

You might be able to sue the person who sexually abused you or the institution that was supposed to be looking after you when you were sexually abused. You should get advice from knowmore or a personal injury lawyer about this.

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